Eden One, et al -
I agree with your premise that by going "electronic" the JW.org (nee "The Watchtower") will be able to slowly but surely eliminate all evidence of past wrongdoing, misapplication of scripture, false and failed prophecies from their own online libraries and resources. They will decree that only versions of their online magazines, books, and other literature will be correct; all other versions, including versions printed by the Watchtower itself, will be unofficial or "tainted by apostates." They will convince their faithful followers that magazines and books printed in Rutherford's time and especially leading up to and during the 1975 debacle, have been modified or otherwise altered by Satan the Devil and his apostate followers.
The Mormon Church has done this with much of their older literature - even some of the writings of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. The prophetic imaginings of George Orwell's 1984 will become fact, not fantasy. The Watchtower Society has been Orwellian in almost every sense after the failure of the 1975 prophecy.
How can they do this? By printing their "yearbooks" online, they can change numbers to show consistent growth even where their numbers have diminished. They can change text of older magazines and books to eliminate false statements or evidence of their errors.
Notice that they are only pushing JW.org to the public. The "Watchtower" identity is clearly beginning to fade. Mention of founders like Russell and Rutherford have dramatically reduced, and there is hardly any mention at all of WT superstars like Knorr, Covington, or Fred Franz in modern JW postings. Yes, the TV.JW.org presentations do show historical photos of 1930s and 1940s events and publishers, but always in self-promotional ways.
I'm guessing that by slowly eliminating all literature prior to the year 2000 from their online archives, they will hope that everything before that time will be almost impossible for then current JWs to find for themselves.
So it is up to those of us who have collected the older books, magazines, and other documents to archive them and be sure to pass them on to others in the future to keep the truth of the past alive.
After all, "it is by their words you shall know them." The Watchtower wants those words to fade away and become unavailable to future JWs. We need to make sure that never happens. Former JWs like Barbara Anderson, Paul Grundy, and many others are doing their best to keep the truth about the "Truth" alive.